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Jumat, 29 November 2013

Bendungan Gerokgak

Bendungan Gerokgak or Gerokgak Dam it is located Gerokgak village,Gerokgak distric andn Buleleng regency. Travel time when departing from Singaraja town about 40 minutes. Whereas if you depart from Ngurah Rai international airport, it takes about 180 minutes travel time. You do not have to worry about boredom on the trip as well all the way from Singaraja town and the international airport Ngurah Rai, your eyes will be pampered with some of the attractions of the lake and the green plantations and paddy fields checkered owned by residents. It is  easy road to go to Bendungan Gerokgak  was found on the roadside. when you find a pillar with a hint of natural attractions Bendungan  Gerokgak, then you just need to go on about two kilometers to the south. Local people will kindly inform the direction towards the Bendungan Gerokgak  that has the beauty of natural scenery.
As one of the exotic tropical island in Indonesia, Bali will certainly experience a rainy season in August until about april. The peofle From  Gerokgak distric  be of not a few farmers use rainwater to irrigate their rice fields and plantations. However, what if the next dry season to come? Where farmers will get water to irrigate their land? For that reason the government  was built Gerokgak dams which serves to collect  rain water so that farmers will not be run into water crisis  and also as a preventive measure to flooding. But over time, because of the beauty of natural scenery, the dam also has a function as a natural tourist attractions worth visiting.
To be able to enjoy the beauty of natural scenery, you do not need to reach the pockets too deep, because the Bendungan Gerokgak admission for only two glasses of mineral water. In other words, you only need to pay Rp. 1000, - only.
Background of green hills make Gerokgak dam looks like a lake that is so beautiful. Because of unexploited, cool weather and beautiful natural scenery is so enchanting to make some young - Youngsters coming here in the afternoon to enjoy the natural beauty around the dam.
In addition to enjoying the scenery, for you the angler, fishing hobby you can doing here. Because of local government in cooperation with the department of fisheries and also college students who hold the real work in the local village has held a fish stocking program in bendungan Gerokgak. So that tourists and residents who can distribute his hobby like fishing.
So, while waiting for the fish to eat the bait you throw, you will not feel bored because the water dam which seems so at one with the hills will not make the time seem long. Your mind will feel refreshed and began to forget about all the fatigue of daily routine - day.
Then you will be woken up from your daydream because getting heavy fishing line and pulled - pull. The beauty of the scenery seemed so calm your spirit giving to attract and continue to attract the fishing line tightly clutched in hand.
Inviting relatives to enjoy the beauty of the atmosphere near the dam Gerokgak on weekends or holiday will surely be fun. Plus, if you bring a fishing rod and some fishing invite your relatives together while chatting casually proximity will strengthen you. Especially if you get a lot of fish that can be gifts for the family at home. If you come to North Bali, a time for hobby was fishing while enjoying the panoramic beauty of nature Dam Gerokgak.

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